Free Training Event In Denver Only

What To Do Before, During & After The Next Housing Market Crash

Join The Author Of The New Book CASH IN on October 25th For An Exclusive Training Event & Insiders Perspective On What You Should Be Doing RIGHT NOW

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[FREE EVENT] In Denver Only

Get Exclusive Training From The New Book: CASH IN
:: Tuesday, October 25, 2016 ::
:: 6:00 – 9:00 pm MST ::
RSVP Right Now for Details, LIMITED SEATING

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[October 25th, 2016 - One Night Only]


If you're even 1/2 interested in making money, generating cash and creating cash flow in real estate in the coming years -- while protecting yourself against the inevitable next crash...

Join the author, Rob Swanson on October 25th right here in Denver, CO for Exclusive, Pre-launch Content & Strategies from the new book, CASH IN.

You'll learn exactly what Rob did BEFORE the 2008 housing market crash, how he knew to "sell" before the crash and what he did AFTER the crash to really cash in.

You'll also learn about his $30M mistake, what he's doing different this time and how you can COPY EVERYTHING so you're prepared to CASH IN.

Reserve Your Seat At This Exclusive Training Event

[FREE EVENT] In Denver Only

Get Exclusive Training From The New Book: CASH IN
:: Tuesday, October 25, 2016 ::
:: 6:00 – 9:00 pm MST ::
RSVP Right Now for Details LIMITED SEATING

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